At present within the Pretend Taxi I picked up George Brown who needed a raise into the town centre. I believed he seemed acquainted, then I remembered George had been in my cab earlier than. The attractive hunk was eager to fuck me once more, however tougher this time! I discovered my favorite place to park, then I joined George within the backseat the place he already had his laborious cock out. I gave the well-hung stud a sloppy blowjob, then unfold my legs so he may pound me missionary whereas he performed with my large, spherical boobs. Quickly after, I sat on his face and moaned as he licked out my moist pussy, and as soon as I had cum a number of occasions, I obtained on all fours to take a doggystyle fucking. Having fulfilled his pledge to fuck me tougher, I handled George to a handjob until he orgasmed!
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