Busty & curvy Auntie Lacey is simply lounging round in her nightie, doing a little mild studying if you stroll into her bed room and sit on the mattress. She will be able to see you looking at her big pure tits. She says she doesn’t thoughts, and smiles and laughs about this case. After a minute or so, she will see you’ve received a giant hard-on, and might’t assist stare at and comment concerning the dimension of the bulge your massive dick is making in your pants. When you ask her to stroke your cock, she will get shy and refuses at first, however she quickly succumbs to concept and will get actually turned on feeling your big cock in her mature fingers. She pulls out her large tits so you’ll be able to stare at them, then she will get down to only her panties to suck and stroke your cock earlier than mendacity again, peeling off her panties, spreading her legs, and fucking her shaved mature pussy till you each cum