In at this time’s replace, we received Lucy Sunflower. She was strolling down a sketchy avenue. We determined to assist her out and produce her to a safer neighborhood. One inside, she is relaxed. We persuade her to calm down extra with out her garments. She was hesitant at first, however with a number of hundred {dollars}, we have been able to go. She received right down to sucking Jay Bangher’s large black cock. He deep-throated him till he flipped her over and slid in her pussy. She cherished it a lot she wished it in her ass. Jay is very happy to oblige. He wreaks her gap, and she or he takes all of it. He cums on her face. As soon as achieved, we go away her on the aspect of the highway.
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Date: June 2, 2021
Jay Bangher / Lucy Sunflower