Sawyer Cassidy was strolling by means of the streets of Miami when a white van stopped subsequent to her. The fellows have been providing her a trip, they have been providing cash however she saved resisting. However in some way they regarded like enjoyable. Sawyer was on trip from California and holidays are for fucking and enjoyable. Cash to indicate her panties, cash to indicate her tits. She knew the place this was resulting in. Very quickly she was on the bus. Very quickly she was bare. To not waste an excessive amount of time she requested to see Peter Inexperienced’s dick. It was massive. It melted in her hand. It melted in her mouth. They fucked. She cherished it. They fucked much more. Peter got here in her face. What an ideal trip. Besides it was pouring exterior. They have been in the course of nowhere. They kicked her out of the bus, drove off. She might hear them snicker within the distance.
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Date: October 26, 2022
Peter Green / Sawyer Cassidy