Briana Banderas got here dwelling from a tough day of labor. Her neck was hurting, her toes have been hurting. She referred to as for her step son Diego. Diego was instantly at her facet. Briana requested for some therapeutic massage oil and a pillow and went to her bed room. When Diego introduced these issues she requested him to therapeutic massage her toes. Diego slowly unfold oil over her toes and began the therapeutic massage. She preferred it. He preferred it. She requested to therapeutic massage her calfs and her ass cheeks. Diego moved his palms h**her and h**her. Brianna began to moan. As a reward for the good therapeutic massage Diego was now allowed to lick her pussy. He licked that pussy like a champ. Then her pussy needed to be fucked. So he fucked her doggy, missionary, she was driving him back and front after which he got here in her face.
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Date: September 9, 2022
Briana Banderas / Diego Perez