Joanna Angel was residence alone and her ass was perv. She grabbed her new dildo, connected it to the kitchen counter and began to trip it. Little did she know that Johnny Love was residence from faculty early. He walked in on her. Each startled and jumped. Johnny was embarrassed. Joanna tried to elucidate what was happening. His dad wouldn’t fuck her within the ass. That’s the reason she had to make use of the dildo. Johnny thought she misspoke. Within the ass? You don’t fuck ladies within the ass! You fuck them straight within the pussy. Joanna noticed that being a great step-mom she nonetheless needed to educate Johnny just a few issues. She helped him undress, sucked his cock, titty fucked it and slid it in her ass. Then she fucked him good. It was a lot tighter than a pussy. So a lot better. Johnny received fucked much more and he discovered his lesson. He pulled out of the ass and s**t his cum on Joanna’s pussy.
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Date: April 15, 2022
Joanna Angel / Johnny Love