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[MylfXMandyFlores] Mandy Flores (Aunt Mandys Christmas Surprise / 12.23.2021)

POV It’s the winter holidays! My household is having a giant household reunion and we rented out a giant home so that every one the family can spend time collectively for that weekend. Because of this all my cousins, aunts, and uncles have been right here for the large get-together as effectively. I’m normally the youngest one at these household gatherings so everybody is superb to me. However my favourite was at all times you, my aunt. You at all times give me the most important, tightest hugs and so many kisses on my cheeks. You deal with me a bit of higher than everybody else (typically much more than my very own mom.) Anyway, it was late at evening and a few of us have been taking part in cover and search round the home. With such a giant home, I’ve so many locations I might select to cover. So I find yourself discovering the proper spot inside a darkish closet inside a giant lavatory. Nobody goes to seek out me right here! Abruptly, I see the sunshine outdoors the lavatory closet flicker on. I see my favourite new aunt (she simply married my uncle) stumble into the lavatory with a towel in her hand. I assume you’re nonetheless a bit of woozy from the stuff you drank at dinner. You begin to undress: first your low reduce high, then your pores and skin tight denims. You don’t know I’m in right here…ought to I let you already know? However that may imply that I would find yourself shedding the sport. Plus to be sincere, you continue to look as superb as ever! You continue to have the match and toned physique of a a lot youthful woman. You attain your arm round to undo your bra, and simply as you unsnap it open from the again you hear one thing transfer within the closet. Uh oh! You examine the noise (whereas holding on to the entrance of your bra with one hand) and discover me hiding within the closet. If you open the closet door, I get a full view of your physique in simply your undergarments. You inform me to step outdoors and ask me to clarify myself. I am going on to let you know that we have been simply taking part in cover and search and I used to be hiding within the closet, not conscious that anybody was utilizing this lavatory. After some hesitation, you notice that I used to be telling the reality. You ask if I I had my eyes closed whenever you have been undressing, despite the fact that it was apparent from my unconscious boner that I noticed all the things. You’re utterly flattered and fairly turned on by your favourite nephew’s tent. I plead with you to let me cover in right here so I can win the sport. Nonetheless a bit of tipsy from the drinks, you pause for a second and provides me a devious smile such as you’re planning one thing. You say “okay I can allow you to cover right here BUT I have to take a shower earlier than I fall asleep.” Now, promise you gained’t look once more”. You smile and say “certain” figuring out that I will probably be curiously attempting to sneak a peak at my stunning aunt. Earlier than I may even flip to get again within the closet, you let go off of your bra that you just’re holding onto and slide your panties off in entrance of me. My eyes get wider. Now utterly bare, you tie up your hair right into a messy bun on high of your head and step into the bath and sink your scorching physique within the heat water. You mess around, dripping water on your self and working your arms up and down your impeccably tight physique. Trying up at my shocked face and erect cock, you warn me to not inform my mother about this little encounter since that is our little secret. To mess with me additional, you tease me saying the one approach I can keep in right here is that if I pull down my pants and play with my cock till I eliminate my exhausting on. Listening to your calls for, I attempt to jerk off nevertheless it’s clear I’m inexperienced. So that you level your finger at me and curl it to name me nearer and resolve to take issues into your skilled arms to offer me a horny blowjob till I got here. What an unforgettable evening that was with my favourite aunt!









Date: December 23, 2021
Actors: Mandy Flores