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[MylfXMandyFlores] Mandy Flores (Mom And Stepson IV: Home From College / 03.24.2021)

There’s a knock at my door, unexpectedly. I reply it to search out you, my stepson, on the opposite aspect and I can hardly comprise my pleasure. You’ve been away in school, and I figured you’d stick with pals for the summer season break. I offer you an enormous hug and a number of other kisses. We go into the lounge to catch up, whenever you discover that I’m nonetheless sporting my marriage ceremony ring. Your Father not too long ago divorced me for a youthful girl, and also you haven’t been speaking to him due to it. “Why are you continue to sporting your ring?” you ask. I’m embarrassed, unsure what to say. I fumble with my arms to attempt to conceal it on my finger. “You couldn’t perceive, honey… for 20 years I cherished that man. It’s laborious to let go and with you gone, I’m simply so lonely.” I reply quietly. You inform me how all your folks suppose I’m a complete MILF and I’ll get a “ton of fellows tripping over themselves to be with me, you’ll see”. “Oh honey, that’s so candy of you, thanks.” I reply with a smile, “properly, I’m positive you’re drained out of your lengthy journey, we are able to catch up later.”
You’re taking a bathe and I are available to provide you a towel. “Sorry, honey, it’s your step-mom. I simply remembered there weren’t any towels in right here, so I introduced you one.” The truth that I can see you thru the glass bathe doorways doesn’t part me. Usually, I wouldn’t discover you in the way in which I simply did as I used to be leaving. I catch a glimpse of your moist bare physique and cease to look. Oh my god, what am I doing? I believe to myself. I depart shortly earlier than you discover me staring. Afterward within the night, you’re resting in your outdated room. You’ve been in there since getting out of the bathe. I hold discovering myself making excuses to enter your room. Perhaps he’s thirsty, hungry..lonely too? I believe and catch myself daydreaming. I’m confused about my emotions…I simply can’t assist myself…I ought to have recognized higher once I wanted to repair myself up earlier than visiting you..I, lastly, work up the nerve and knock in your door..”Honey, are you sleeping?” I ask whereas cracking open your door. You invite me in, telling me you had been simply studying. I lay down with you joking about how we used to share the “large mattress” whereas dad was out of city. I inform you how I actually miss these days. I ask if I can stick with you tonight, then inform you you understand how unhappy I’m. You inform me: “After all mother.” I ask you about your relationship and also you inform me how your girlfriend simply dumped you…similar to me. “Guess we’ve got that in frequent, Mother,” you joke. I inform you to not fear, since you are such a good-looking younger man. I begin to really feel you up, commenting on how good of form you’re in. I take away my gown to indicate you ways I’ve been understanding a bit of bit and possibly we are able to do some classes collectively. I’m flirting with you, nonetheless, you don’t object. You start to stare at my legs and cleavage. I can inform you’ve by no means observed how scorching your mother actually was. I flip over to get snug, then again as much as calmly spoon with you. I bump up towards your erection and get embarrassed. I do know that’s my fault and, to be fairly frank, what was I considering?. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m simply actually confused,” I say. I am going to depart however you cease me. You inform me it’s okay and pull again the covers. I stare at your giant erection in your boxers. You contact it and take a look at me. I do know it’s flawed and we shouldn’t proceed, however I can’t assist myself and I give in….. INCLUDES: TABOO – POV SEX – CUMSHOTS – BLOWJOB – DOGGYSTYLE – FUCKING – OLDER WOMAN/YOUNGER MAN – FACIALS – HANDJOBS – MILF











Date: March 25, 2021
Actors: Mandy Flores