This petite blonde was standing on the street and looking out like she was in misery. I walked up and requested what was fallacious. She was chilly, her cellphone didn’t work, and she or he had forgotten her pockets! Her title was Geishakyd, and she or he was in Prague for a modeling gig. What a coincidence, I informed her I used to be a modeling agent. I supplied her some money for a fast casting, sufficient to repair her cellphone and get residence. The small blonde got here off with me, and we stared the casting. She confirmed me her perky boobs and shook her ass in see-through tights. I supplied her more cash for a blowjob, and when she wrapped her lips round my massive dick, she informed me she additionally wished it in her pussy. I fucked Geishakyd’s hair pussy from behind standing doggystyle, then stretched her pussy as she rode me on the bottom. She got here heavy on my dick, the eagerly loved a facial!
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