[MylfXMandyFlores] Mandy Flores (My Best Friends Hot Mom / 08.28.2020)

I’m so excited! My buddy, your son, is having a sleepover at your own home as we speak. You’re all the time so type to me and all the time give tight hugs and moist kisses on my face. You’re all the time taking care of me like a second mom. I come over to your home, enthusiastic about tonight’s sleepover. You open the door (in a extremely horny outfit) and wave to my dad and mom to depart and invite me inside. When you shut the door, you greet me with a hug (your cleavage in my face) and a (shut up) kiss. After a little bit of cute small speak, you ship me upstairs to your son to go play video video games or watch TV or one thing. Whereas we’re enjoying, you come and ask us to pause the sport and eat some snacks and juice that you just introduced. We’re enjoying video games on the TV so we don’t take note of you speaking to us in any respect. We occur to be mendacity down on the bottom wanting up on the TV, so that you get in between us and the TV to get our consideration. I love your lengthy legs and may nearly see up your skirt as you’re speaking to us. You say you’re going to face there till we begin consuming. We end shortly and get again to our video video games. A few hours later, we’re preparing for mattress and also you are available in (sporting your horny and revealing night time time garments) to examine on us to ensure we’re all tucked in and able to go. You convey your face very near mine and inform me to return wake you up if I want something in any respect, give me an enormous goodnight kiss (your cleavage in my face once more). You flip off the lights and go away. Later within the night time, I get up as a result of I’m feeling hungry. I’m strolling quietly as a result of I don’t need to wake my buddy up. I get to the kitchen and I see that the sunshine is on. Considering that you’re nonetheless awake, I enter the kitchen. Oops! I by accident stroll in on you when you’re masturbating. You don’t discover me stroll in at first and you retain going lengthy sufficient for me to get an eyeful of your scorching physique. When you discover me, you’re startled and shortly attempt to cowl up. Fumbling to cowl up, you say “Hey, sorry I didn’t see you standing there. Why are you continue to up honey? Can’t sleep?” I inform you that I want one thing to eat and drink as a result of I’m hungry. You go searching and say there’s actually nothing that you just give me to eat proper now. Clearly nonetheless turned on out of your incomplete masturbating, you let it slip out “..however you possibly can eat ME..Oops.” Realizing what you simply stated, you shortly cowl your mouth and apologize. I’m utterly confused and ask what you meant by consuming you. Getting extra turned on from my questions, you say, “Properly, it’s laborious to clarify with phrases…however perhaps, I can SHOW you the best way to eat me?” You slowly begin working your hand additional down your physique towards your pussy and inform me to return nearer. I don’t get it so I come nearer and you place your fingers in your pussy. You then finger your self and do some soiled speak and ask if I need to come and eat you. So you’re taking my head (the digicam) and transfer it the place your pussy is and maintain fingering whereas my face is between your legs consuming you out. You then go on to say that you’re getting hungry as effectively and begin giving me a blowjob till I come. Then wanting happy, you whisper to me that that is our little secret. You give me an enormous kiss on my face once more and ship me off to fall asleep. Wow, what an evening!……Mandy Flores

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Date: August 29, 2020